Programs and Events
Recent Event
2019 GSSI Best Real Estate Dissertation Award. US$1,500.
Ph.D. Student Advisor Prof. School
Shuping Wu Zan Yang Tsinghua University
Dissertation Title
Government’s learning behavior in urban land supply Evidence from China
Stress Testing
September 19, 2014 - Stress Test Symposium @Westin Washington D.C. City Center, D.C.
Stress testing is currently a high priority concern for many financial institutions. The recent financial crisis highlighted the importance of recognizing and accounting for extreme economic and market conditions. International and domestic regulators are increasingly requiring financial institutions to conduct stress tests as part of their risk management plans.
.....Event Flyer
HAPN - Home Appreciation Participation Notes (Patent #8,712,908)
an innovative new housing finance tool. Housing is a commodity providing two distinct utilities: shelter and investment. Traditionally, buyers have had to purchase both elements in tandom. HAPNs allow buyers to purchase these elements individually. Thus, buyers can focus on purchasing housing units that best fit their shelter needs, investing in housing appreciation to whatever extent is appropriate for the needs of their investment portfolio. ..... more
GCREC Conference
2020 Singapore - 7月13-15日 call for paper
2019 Shanghai, China - 2019年12月14日在上海召开,由上海财经大学主办。本次会议将围绕“高质量的房地产业发展推动宏观经济可持续发展”这一主题,为来自世界各地的专家学者、业界人士、政府官员提供一个良好的交流平台,共同探讨房地产业发展的最新动态与趋势。
2018 Shandong, China - 2018年7月20日在青岛会场举行,由房地产领域的知名学者主持。论坛旨在为博士生提供一个与知名学者们交流其学术研究和职业生涯规划的机会。同时也会针对博士生毕业后的教学研究以及服务社会的计划提供建设性意见。
2017 Taichung, Taiwan
2016 Hangzhou, China
Book . Journal . Awards
Financial Mathematics - 2nd Edition, Dr. Ren-Raw, In this edition, Dr. Chen added some new materials, including a risk management chapter, and a new liquidity quantification chapter. Order
Journal of Real Estate, forthcoming summer 2014
2014 Doctorial Dissertation Awards
Hang Li, Weijung Li, Yonggang Li
2013 Doctorial Dissertation Awards
Silver Award: Xiaoyang Guo, Peng Li