Related Links from the International Real Estate Review
I. Conferences of Affiliated Associations
II. Journals Published by the American Real Estate Society
Journal of Real Estate Literature
Our sister journal, the JREL, encourages academic research and teaching in the field of real estate by providing information for researchers and educators.
Journal of Real Estate Portfolio Management
Another of our sister journals, the JREPM features articles on the management of real estate portfolios.
Journal of Real Estate Practice and Education
The JREPE encourages excellence in teaching and to motivate research in real estate education and practice.
Journal of Real Estate Research
The American Real Estate Society’s flagship journal publication, the JRER is a valuable guide to issues in real estate for professionals and academics alike.
III. Real Estate-Related Journals Online
Briefings in Real Estate Finance
Briefings in Real Estate Finance aims to be the leading publication in its field by increasing practical understanding f the processes and challenges associated with the funding of real estate.
International Real Estate Review
This is the official online journal from Asian Real Estate Society (AsRES) and Global Chinese Real Estate Congress (GCREC). This journal has a specific emphasis on the Asian markets, analyzing operational and institutional settings, policy issues, and some related real estate laws.
Journal of Housing Economics
“…Publication of economic research related to housing and encourages papers that bring to bear careful analytical technique on important housing-related questions.”
Journal of Housing Research
Usually published twice a year, this journal offers theoretical and empirical research on housing and residential mortgage finance.
Journal of Property Finance
“…latest thinking, techniques and developments in a complex field where legislation is constantly under review, being challenged, or being introduced.”
Journal of Property Investment & Finance
“…Discussion and debate relating to all areas of property investment and finance.”
Journal of Property Research
“…applied research…into property investment and development “(formerly known as Land Development Studies).
Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics
“…Theoretical and empirical research on real estate using the paradigms and methodologies of finance and economics.”
Journal of Urban Economics
“…Empirical, theoretical, positive, and normative approaches to urban economics.”
Land Economics
This link is to a page describing the journal. The page also has shopping cart functions so you can order a copy from the publisher.
Real Estate Economics
“…To facilitate communication among academic researchers and industry professionals and to improve the analysis of real estate decisions.”
Urban Studies
“…International forum for the discussion of issues in the fields of urban and regional analysis and planning.” Articles from urban scholars in real estate, geography, economics, sociology, planning, public administration, etc.
IV. Other Business, Finance, and Economics Journals Online
American Economic Review
Articles and shorter papers on economic subjects, published by the American Economic Association.
“…Original articles in all branches of economics – theoretical and empirical, abstract and applied.”
Journal of Economic Theory
Research on economic theory and emphasizes the theoretical analysis of economic models, including the study of related mathematical techniques.
Journal of Finance
This publication deals with issues concerning finance academics and professionals.
Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis
“Topics include corporate finance, investments, capital and security markets, and quantitative methods of particular relevance to financial researchers.”
Journal of Financial Economics
One of the leading business finance journals in terms of citation impact factors.
Journal of Political Economy
“…Presents work in traditional areas – monetary theory, fiscal policy, labor economics, planning and development, micro-and macroeconomic theory, international trade and finance, industrial organization – as well as in such interdisciplinary fields as the history of economic thought and social economics.”
The Journal of Business
“…Since 1928, published research, analysis, and inquiry into issues of importance to the business community.”
The Quarterly Journal of Economics
Oldest professional journal of economics in the English language. Edited at Harvard University’s Department of Economics.
The Review of Financial Studies
A major forum for the promotion and wide dissemination of significant new research in financial economics.
V. More Real Estate-Related Journals Online
Appraisal Journal
Insightful articles on appraisal theory and practice.
Assessment Journal
The link is to the Web site of the International Association of Assessing Officers, publishers of the Assessment Journal (formerly known as the Property Tax Journal).
Housing Policy Debate
“Recent articles have explored the challenges facing public housing, the future of American cities, the link between housing and neighborhood quality, and how growth management practices impact the supply of affordable housing.”
Institutional Real Estate Letter
“Monthly trade magazine serving the information needs of pension, foundation and endowment funds, and the people and companies who serve them.”
Journal of the American Planning Association
“…cutting-edge research with practical applications…planning techniques and programs, anticipate problems, and suggest possible solutions.”
Journal of Corporate Real Estate
“…A valuable fund of ideas, techniques, case studies and research to support senior CRE [corporate real etate] managers.
Journal of Property Management
“Industry trends, money-saving ideas, and legislative news for real estate managers.
Journal of Property Valuation and Investment
“Expert and technical appraisals of fundamental issues affecting the property industry today.”
National Real Estate Investor, Online
“…the leading source of information for the commercial real estate industry.”
Planning Theory & Practice
“…to provide a focus for the development of theory and practice in spatial planning, and to encourage the development of a spatial dimension in other areas of public policy.”
Property Management
“Enhance your property management skills and keep pace with leading edge thinking, research and best practice.”
Real Estate Forum
News for the real estate industry.
Regional Studies
Journal of the Regional Studies Association, this journal is “at the forefront of original multi- and inter-disciplinary research, policy analysis and debate about urban and regional development.”
Journal of Housing and the Built Environment
The Journal of Housing and the Built Environment is a scholarly journal presenting the results of original scientific research and new developments in policy and practice to a diverse readership. This refereed journal, now published by Kluwer Academic Publishers, covers the fields of housing, spatial planning, building and urban environment.
VI. Other Real Estate-Related Web Sites
ARES/AREUEA Resource Links
AAUP’s online catalog lets you order copies of the dozens of journals they print.
CSUS Real Estate Resource Page
Real Estate Links organized into ten categories.
Geography Resource Page
Provides links to articles on the Internet that deal with geographic analysis and geographic technology for real estate. Also provides links to technology providers and examples on the Internet of the use geographic technology in real estate.
Real Estate Perspectives
Real Estate Links from 24 chapters of Real Estate Perspectives book.
@LA: The Guide to Greater Los Angeles and Southern California
The most complete and up-to-date guide to sites relating to Orange County and the greater Los Angeles area, including LA, Orange, Ventura, Riverside and San Bernardino Counties.
Real Estate Industry Search Engine
REBUZ is a real estate industry search engine, directory and portal. Rebuz was created by an institutional advisor, a broker and a developer to help you find and use the best business to business real estate resources, fast. Everything is focused on improving your professional day.
DataQuick is the nation’s leading provider of real property and land data and has provided its customers with such data for over 20 years.
They offer customers a powerful combination of experience, innovation and commitment and currently cover over 78 million properties in more than 880 jurisdictions across the United States. And our coverage continues to grow!
World’s largest database of homes for sale. This is the official site of the National Association of Realtors.
Real Estate and Building Knowledge
To date, the site has over hundreds of items including analysis , articles, charts, tables, real estate price indexes, building cost information, and professional contribution from industry executives and prominent academics.
This is one of the largest real estate informational site that offer services and handle online messages for its viewers. It handles hundreds of transactions and it is FREE to the public to browse from.
Provides services related to commercial real estate financing and brokerage for owners and sellers. RealWebFunds display examples of loan packages and allow owners to submit their packages for free quotes.
House Price Index (OFHEO)
This site contains house price index report, readily available on PDF or HTML format. There is also info on statistical report on the HPI.
This is a comprehensive resource investment and quarterly investors survey. Includes all charts and tables for business reports and other property related information.
Contains extensive information on demographics for 40 years and back. You can request and order extensive demographics on CD for a price.
This site allows users in over two hundred countries in the world to add their land and commercial properties for sale and lease. – the Worldwide Commercial Real Estate Information Portal – informs, promotes and provides opportunities for you – in your local market place and in over 750 locations worldwide.
VII. More Real Estate Related Online Resources
Source: Journal of Real Estate Literature, Vol. 9, Num. 2, 2001
B. General Real Estate Supply and Demand Sources
B.1. Real Estate Forecasting Reports
B.2. Real Estate Market Reports
B.3. Specialized Real Estate Sources
D. Data Sources for a Single Property Type
D.1. Office
D.2. Retail
D.3. Residential (Non-apartment Residences)
D.4. Apartments
D.5. General Residential Surveys
D.6. Industrial
D.7. Hotels
VIII. Listings of Real Estate, Business, and Economics Journals Online
Assoc. of American University Presses
AAUP’s online catalog lets you order copies of the dozens of journals they print.
Business Electronic Journals…
Rutgers’ library listing of business journals.
Economics Journals – Net Links
The Mining Co.’s listing of Economics-related journal pages online.
Economic Journals on the Web
Oswego State’s listing of several hundred business, economics, and real estate journals.
IX. Libraries and Other Online Resources
Dow Jones Interactive
A major online resource of articles, news, information, and other data for business managers and decision-makers.
Paulina June & George Pollack Library
The Library at Cal State Fullerton has a research web site with links to thousands of journals and other online resources.